Sunday, August 7, 2011

Visual Prayer

STEPS in Visual Prayer
Aug 8 Sunday

1 Choose a stampita, Take the picture in your hands, calm down and invoke the Holy Spirit.

2. What does the picture tell you?

3. Transfer yourself to the picture as if you were in it and absorb all the values in it.

4. Transfer all this values to your daily life.

The picture tells me

1. Christ is so abundant with a very big plate of bread/food in front of Him.

2. Christ is a wine drinker, still very abundant because a very big wine jar is beside Him. 

3. Christ is a Servant because he is breaking the bread.

4. Christ is a Giver because he will give the bread to others.

5. Christ is a Nurturer because he make sure that everybody gets bread.

6. Christ shines

7. Christ is concern (bit sad), how he wish He can share the bread to those persecuting Him.

8. Christ knows that even he is persecuted, the more important is the people around who loves Him and believe in Him, is taken cared of and fed.

9. Christ prepare His people. He knows they will also go through trials and challenges so He make sure that they are well fed, spiritually and emotionally.

10. Christ is LOVE.


1. Live in abundant life, love and healthy diet.
2. Be a Servant, Giver and Nurturer
3. Shine the Light of Jesus
4. Pray for those who persecute me (sigh)
5. Focus on those who love me (no matter what)
6. Fill up the love tanks of those who love me.
7. Love Love Love Love

Application to Family, Travellers, Close Friends, Feast Alabangers, High School Friends, and all. 

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