Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Hosea 2: 16 - 25 Reflection

So I will allure her, I will lead her into the dessert
and speak to her heart (verse 16)

Free Advance Open Water Course, I was indeed allured. Free accommodation. Free Meals, Free PADI Card, Free First Aid Training, all I have to pay is my plane tickets and fare to Ampo, Burgos, South Leyte. 1 week AOW, 1 week Science week, which by the way i excel in coral identification, but failed in algae identification 4 times!!! In tagalog, pangalanan ang ibat ibang lumot. he he he he. I did enjoy fish ID and inverts. Two dives per day, 3 on Saturdays w night dive. Did I mention that I am the only Filipina on site, kaya ang ganda ganda ko. And most of the people in the community are from England.

Then You lead me into the dessert after 5weeks of pleasurely diving, my scholarship and service is finished. A deep depression hit me big time. It is like a sudden withdrawal syndrome of not diving daily. Missing the air from the dive tanks so badly. Totally dessert of nothingness for two weeks. I had a really bad trauma before, physical and emotional, but this depression is a massive brainlessness.

And you speak to my heart to keep all the great memories, good happy family, the science officer, the expedition leaders. To look forward to more alluring activities in Nature Awareness and Conservation Club, Inc and Feast Alabang


From there You gave me the vineyards I had, and the valley of Anchor as a door of Hope. (verse 17)

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