Monday, July 25, 2011

Isaiah 41: 8-20 Reflection

Reflection on Verse 8: 

"Fear not, I am with you, be not dismayed;  I am your God.
I will strengthen you, and help you , 
and uphold you with my right hand of justice"

Above verse is one of the reason why i am soooooo adventurous. I love climbing mountains, river crossings, did miles swimming, scuba diving, water rafting, fire dancing, adventure cooking and more

My first time in Batanes more than 30 travellers joined me, who are equally trustful, knowing it is my first time. My first Coron/El Nido and Puerto Princesa combo trip, we are 12. My first time in South East Asia (Kota Kinabalu, Brunei, Bangkok, Cambodia, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Indonesia in 15 days) more than 15 participants again trusted me and join in the trip. So many first time that GOD did strengthen me, and help me to do better and do things excellently.

When I was assign to head the SNS Team, I know I cannot say no to the Lord. And when I was ask to represent in iFeast4, I'm hesitant, but Tita Lella's encouraging wisdom is very convincing. GOD did strengthen me thru Kuya Mike, Kathy, Diana, JC, Jhace, Aristotel and Jen and the rest of FAMMily (Feast Alabang Media Ministry). GOD did capacitate me more after the online marketing training. And to reinforce everything, GOD made Feast Builder Jonathan Yogawin, the kind of preacher GOD want him to become.

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