Sunday, July 24, 2011

Prayer and Life Workshop

Eloisa Tamundong, (a fellow servant in Feast Alabang) and I attended the Hillsong Conference Manila last July 18 Sat and she invited me to Prayer and Life Workshop with Julie Bernal

I always love to attend any Christian conferences and congresses or events. I am servant to Light of Jesus Family - Feast Alabang

 Serving as SNS Team Head
and Caregroup Head for cycle Oct 2011 to Jan 2012

There is this passage in the bible I forgot the verse that says, the more you have, the more will still be given to you. True enough, I got a call from Rose Marie Riosa (a travel buddy), who invited me to attend Jomar Hilario's Internet Marketing Workshop for a real great rate. 

Will be putting this 3 love 
1. Responsible Travelling
2. Blogging and Internet Marketing
3. Fun Prayer Life 

My prayer is to focus this blog for GOD's Glory, and keep me humble. All I ask in Mighty Name of JESUS, Amen

Prayer and Life Workshop
w Juls and Eloisa

How it started

Session 1: GOD of Tenderness
Prayer Method 1: Prayerful Readings

Thur   John 14: 8 - 20             

Sat      Galatians 4: 1 - 7     
Sun    Isaiah 43: 1 - 10   

                   Prayerful Readings
                   Psalms 16, 23, and 63

                   Prayer Book: 1. Decision and Face to Face

Session 2 If You Only Knew the Father
Prayer Method  2: Written Prayer

Tues Joshua 1: 1 - 9    

Session 3: Pilgrims of Faith
Prayer Method 3: Vocal Prayers

Fri   Acts 16: 29 - 34     

Sat    Philippians 1:27 - 30   
Sun  Psalm 84

Session 4 Woman of Faith and Poor Woman of GOD
Prayer Method : Visual Prayer

Sunday Aug 7     Novena to GOD's Love  

Mon     Luke 1:39 - 45 Mary Visits Elizabeth   

Tues    Matthew 2:10 - 12 3Kings Visit new born Jesus  

Wed   Psalm 118 This is the day the Lord has made.      

Thur   Matthew 2: 13 - 16 Flight to Egypt  

Fri     Luke 2:41 - 52 Child Jesus in the Temple     

Sat    John 19: 25 - 27 Jesus on the Cross  

Sun  Psalm 145 Praises of David   

Session 5: Surrendering to Peace

Prayer Method : Prayer of Surrender

Mon    Jeremiah 18: 1- 6  

Tues   Job 42: 1 - 6

Wed   Psalm 131

Fri      Matthew 18: 1 - 5

Sat     Psalm 31

Sun    Psalm 23

Session 6: Forgiveness - Love

Prayer Method : Prayer for Forgiving and LOVE

Mon   Psalm 119: 4-16     

Sun   Psalm 119: 97 - 112

Session 7: Review

Prayer Method : any of above

Mon   Colossians 1: 15 - 20 Written and Visual Prayer 

Tues   Psalm 36 Prayerful Reading   

Wed   Sirach 2: 1 - 7  Written Prayer

Thur     Romans 8: 15 - 21 Written Prayer

Fri     Psalm 143 Prayerful Reading

Sat     Philippians 2:1-11

Sun   1 Corinthians 13: 1 - 13   

John 15: 1-17

Session 8: Encounter

Prayer Method : Adoration in Encounter (Elevation)

Mon Psalm 84 (prayerful reading)

Tues  Galatians 2: 17 - 21

Wed   John 3:14-18

Thur   Mark 10:35-45

Fri   Luke 7: 11-17

Sat   Mark 6: 34-44

Sun  Psalm 123

John 4: 5-24

Session 9: In Silence in the Presence

Prayer Method : Contemplative

Mon  Psalm 139

Tues Genesis 18: 1-10

Wed 1 Kings 19: 9-15

Thur Exodus 3:1-15

Fri 2 Samuel 1: 1-16

Sat   Luke 10:38 - 42

Sun  Psalm 90

Session 10: The Beginning, the Center and the End

Prayer Method : Christ-centered

Session 11: Free to Love

Prayer Method : Prayer and Life "In Jesus Place" 


Prayer Method : Fraternal Love, the exercise in loving, the campaign of love

Session 13: Poor and Humble

Prayer Method : Prayerful Reading and Writing

Mon   Psalm 16

Tues  Psalm 130

Wed Psalm 86

Thur   Psalm 42

Fri   Psalm 142

Sat Psalm 36

Sun  Psalm 103

Session 14: 

Prayer Method :

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