Thursday, July 28, 2011

Matthew 11: 25 - 30 Reflection

Come to me, all you who labor and burdened, I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart. And you will find rest.

Dear Lord,

I super duper love love love mountain climbing, but the heavy backpack is really burdening. Got my complete MSR cookset and butterfly burner (nagyayabang lang), aluminum light party tent, 4litters of water, 1kilo rice, 1cangood, half kilo trail food, clothes, sleeping bag, and ground sheet. Carrying this up hill for a minimum of 3 hrs climb to the campsite (Mt. Makiling) and maximum of 3day (Mt. Apo). Plus the river crossings, dusty and treeless trails, sometimes muddy and masukal with limatic on the trail. Really Really burdening

And You made everything light. Being with super fun friends. passing by super scenic views, watching the sun set while we are awed by your great creation, super sarap camp meals, life sharing during the socials, sleeping under the stars maski may tent naman, waking up in glorious sunrise with a thankful heart that we all did this together. And thankful soul that we share one passion in respecting creation, communities and culture

I super duper love love love serving the Feast Alabang also, and the burdens are getting home late pass my bedtime and servants with their own denying personal issues, so negastar, may Christian way solution naman but will impulsively blame me, so i will stay away. I think it is an minor issue also in other communities, also. Solution, stay with FAMMily (Feast Alabang Media Ministry) where You Lord provided me with happy coservants, happy teammates and growing coregift in Internet Marketing. Also keep growning with iFeast4 Family.

Regarding being humble and meek, my beloved fun climbers super friends knows i need to work on that. They stay loving me because they love me, period. In Feast Alabang, he he he it is sooooooo highly practiced because the burden will be much lighter. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. 

Thank you very much 


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