Tuesday, July 26, 2011

John 14: 8 -20 Reflection

And whatever you ask in My name, I will do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything of me in my name. I will do.

I use to dream of saving lives
Jesus, You gave me Philippine National Red Cross
and gave me more than what I asked and prayed for

I use to dream Mt. Apo
Jesus, You gave me Conserving For Tomorrow Foundation, Inc
and gave me more than what I asked and prayed for

I use to dream Scuba Diving
Jesus, You gave me dive buddies Josephine, Jocie, Mike, Patrick.
and gave me more than what I asked and prayed

I use to dream Sipadan and Kota Kinabalu
Jesus, You gave more than what I asked and prayed.

I use to dream of Advance Open Water Course 
Jesus, You gave me Coral Cay Conservation
and more than what I asked and prayed for

I dream of being friends with great mentors 
Jesus, You gave me Dr. Dona Paz Reyes of Environment Studies Institute, Caloy Libosada (Ecotour Guru), and community leaders.

I can go on and on and on and on and on of the sankatutak na dreams that You, Jesus gave me. All this blessings is shared at Nature Awareness and Conservation Club, Inc where the is Conservation of Environment, Respect for Culture and Respect for Communities. Empowering peoples organization, uplifting economic livelihood thru community based responsible tours.

I share dream with The Light of Jesus Family to have 1000 Feast all over the world, (bat kaya 1000 lang Lord?) Since free naman mag dream, I can dream also to be married to one of the Feast Builder, any part of the world (happy face)

I am dreaming of sharing the wonderful world of Online Evangilization to Feast Alabang coservants. Father GOD, I ask this in the name of your son Jesus Christ. AMEN.

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